Analysis of the megakaryocyte glycoprotein IX promoter identifies positive and negative regulatory domains and functional GATA and Ets sites

LS Bastian, M Yagi, C Chan, GJ Roth - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1996 - ASBMB
The glycoprotein (GP) Ib-V-IX multisubunit complex binds to von Willebrand factor and
mediates the adhesion of platelets to the subendothelium of damaged blood vessels.
Expression of the GPIX subunit is required for stability of the complex, and its absence in
platelets is associated with the rare bleeding disorder Bernard-Soulier syndrome.
Comparative analyses indicate that the four GPIb-V-IX subunits are members of the leucine-
rich repeat family and suggest that GPIX resembles a possible primitive progenitor of this …